Georgia AFG Area 11

 Area Assembly and Area World Service Committee

Areas are comprised of Al-Anon groups and districts in a geographical area, usually an entire state or province. The Area Assembly is a business meeting where participating members share experiences and ideas, and Group Representatives from districts within the area vote on behalf of their group. The Georgia Area Assembly meets three times a year: January, May, and September.  The meetings are held on the third weekend of these months at a Macon area hotel. 

In between Assemblies, the Area World Service Committee meetings are held.  The Area World Service Committee (AWSC) meets three times per year on the third Saturday in November, April and August at a location in Macon, Georgia.  AWSC meetings are required for all Assembly officers, DRs, coordinators, liaisons to any information service, and convention representatives, all of whom have voice and vote. The current AFGG, Inc. Board of Trustees Chairperson has voice and vote at AWSC. Current Area Trustees at Large and Past Area Trustees have voice only at AWSC. Past World Service Trustees and past Delegates (who served in any Area and are currently residing in Georgia) also have voice and vote.

Both Area Assembly and Area World Service Committee meetings are open to Al-Anon members to attend as visitors; however they do not have voice or vote.

 Area Officers

Panel 65


Click the officer to see a full position description


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World Service Delegate: Debi S

1) Utilizes the current version of the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual sections on “Duties of
Assembly Members” and “AWSC”.
2) Has a thorough knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of
Service, and the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Area’s AWSC and Assembly Policy and Procedure
Manuals and Knowledge-Based Decision-Making (KBDM). Gains a good working knowledge
of the corporate bylaws, Assembly charter, and the AFGG Board of Trustee Handbook.
4) Serves on the Board of Trustees (BOT) of Al-Anon Family Groups of Georgia, Inc. (AFGG).
5) Is certified as an Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS).
6) Attends the annual World Service Conference (WSC).
7) Chairs the Policy Committee.
8) Serves as a member of the Alateen Safety Committee.
9) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May and September, and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assemblies.
c) Presents an oral report at each Assembly and AWSC meeting and gives an electronic or
written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for the Alternate Delegate to
give the report.
e) At the May Assembly, gives a report of the WSC for GRs to carry back to their groups.
10) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
11) Brings issues of concern to the attention of the WSC and/or WSO.
12) Submits items to be considered for the WSC agenda.
13) Serves as a member-in-the-field on certain WSO select committees. Participates
electronically and through conference calls during the year and attends meetings at the WSC.
14) Reviews and shares relevant information posted on the WSO Delegate AFG Connects
15) Serves as a conduit to and from WSO for forms and applications, such as:
a) AWSC Update Form
b) Resume forms for Regional Trustee, Regional Trustee Alternate, Trustee-at-Large, and
Executive Committee for Real Property Management (or notification of no candidates)
16) Selects a team of coordinators to serve during the 3-year panel. Works with these
coordinators to serve as a link of information between the Area and the WSO. Assists the
AAPP, Alateen, Web, and Group Records Coordinators in selecting Alternate Coordinators.
Occasionally check-in with all Coordinators to ensure there are no problems.
17) Participates in Area and WSO conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the year.

18) Attends but does not report on the annual Alateen Conference, Southeast Regional
Delegates’ Get-Together, and the Georgia A.A. Prepaid Convention whenever possible.
19) Serves as the AWSC liaison to the Assembly and Area Convention.
20) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
21) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the Treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during
the annual review.
22) In collaboration with the Group Records Coordinator, proofreads the Area Directory prior to
each publication before it is distributed to members.
23) Along with the Area Chairperson, receives officer and coordinator service position
descriptions from the Area Archivist as needed for changes or annual review. Less significant
changes will automatically be made; however, at the discretion of the Chair and Delegate,
substantial changes to any service position description will be submitted for approval at
AWSC meetings. Along with the Area Chairperson and Archive Coordinator, works with
respective trusted servants to revise Position Descriptions for the AAPP, Conference and
Convention Chairs, Alternate Delegate, Alateen Coordinator, Georgia A.A. Convention
Liaison, and Board Chair to reflect secure handling and retention of Alateen forms, waivers,
Policy for Minors Attending Al-Anon Family Groups of Georgia Events, and Georgia Code for
Mandatory Reporters.
24) Maintains records and supplies and passes them on to the next Delegate.
25) Works closely with and provides information to the Alternate Delegate in case he or she needs
to assume the Delegate’s responsibilities.
26) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Area Delegate.

World Service Delegate's Alternate: Linda B

1) Utilizes the current version of the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual sections on “Duties of
Assembly Members” and “AWSC”.
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service, and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Area’s AWSC and Assembly Policy and Procedure
Manuals and Knowledge-Based Decision-Making (KBDM).
4) Is certified as an Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS).
5) Serves as a member of the Technology Work Group.
6) Serves as The Forum Coordinator. Becomes familiar with the WSO Guideline, Area Forum
Coordinators (G-32).
7) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May, and September and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings and voice only at Assemblies.
c) Prepares to give an oral report at each Assembly and AWSC meeting and gives an
electronic or written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for another officer to give the
report or sends it to the Delegate.
e) Gives the Delegate’s oral report if the Delegate is unable to attend an Area meeting.
f) Serves as the Chair of Assembly and AWSC in the event that the Area Chair cannot be
g) Is responsible for the display of the four Legacy banners during Assemblies.
h) Collects the District sign-in sheets on Sunday morning during Assembly and tallies the
sheets to determine the number of voting members per district. Provides that information
to the Area Secretary before roll call. Delivers all of the sign-in sheets from both AWSC
and Assembly meetings to the Archivist for records preservation.
i) Ensures there is an Alateen Registrar responsible for sign-in, collection, scanning and
distribution for archival of all Alateen forms necessary to fulfill current Area Safety Behavior
j) Determines which Districts will be responsible for setting up and hosting registration and
hospitality during Assembly and provides written procedures.
k) Prepares registration materials, including name badges and sign-in sheets, prior to AWSC
and Assembly. Works closely with the Group Records Coordinator to maintain a current
list of groups, GRs and members of AWSC. Provides all necessary supplies for the
registration desk at Assembly and AWSC.
l) Is responsible for updating registration guidelines for Assembly.
8) Maintains and makes available a speaker list for use by groups, Districts, etc. for Al-Anon
workshops, speaker meetings, anniversaries, etc.
9) Chairs the Saturday evening speaker meeting during Assembly. Selects a speaker from

among the current AWSC members. Coordinate with the A.A. Delegate to have a joint Al-
Anon, A.A. Saturday evening speaker meeting approximately once every 2 years if possible.

Forwards the name of the speaker(s) to the Chairperson for inclusion on the weekend schedule. Reads aloud the “Alateen Mandatory Reporting” meeting opening statement before
an Alateen member speaks.
10) Replaces the Delegate for the remainder of the term in the event the Delegate is unable to
remain in the position.
11) Serves as a link of information between the Area and the Georgia A.A. Prepaid Convention
and works with the A.A. Alternate Delegate to determine who will be the Al-Anon liaison to
the convention. Contacts the DR in the district where the convention will be held and provides
him/her with the following information:
a) Name and contact information of the A.A. Prepaid Convention Chair.
b) Copy of the WSO Guideline G-7, Al-Anon/Alateen Participation in an A.A. Convention.
c) Copy of the Georgia A.A. Convention Liaison Position Description.
If no one in the host district is willing or able to accept the service responsibility, then the
Alternate Delegate appoints a liaison.
12) Coordinates and schedules an Area Inventory during the second year of the three- year term.
(See the Area Inventory guidelines in the Area 11 Al-Anon/Alateen Assembly Information an
Archives Booklet.)
13) Coordinates and schedules a guest speaker from the WSO to visit the January Assembly
during the 3rd year of the 3-year term.
14) Attends but does not report on the Southeast Regional Delegate Get-Together annual
15) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
16) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
17) Maintains records and supplies and passes them to the next Alternate Delegate.
18) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the Treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during
the annual review.
19) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
20) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Alternate Delegate.

Area Chairperson: Vicki B

1) Utilizes the current version of the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual sections on “Duties of
Assembly Members” and “AWSC”.
2) Has a thorough knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service
and the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Area’s AWSC and Assembly Policy and Procedure
Manuals and Knowledge-Based Decision-Making (KBDM). Gains a good working knowledge
of the corporate bylaws, Assembly charter, and the AFGG Board of Trustee Handbook.
4) Serves on the Board of Trustees (BOT) of Al-Anon Family Groups of Georgia, Inc. (AFGG).
5) Serves as a member of the Finance and Policy Committees.
6) Selects the Presentation Designer to serve during the 3-year panel.
7) Area World Service Committee (AWSC)
a) Chairs all AWSC meetings, including the first meeting following election to guide planning
the agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Secures meeting space for April, August and November AWSC meetings taking into
consideration impacts of major religious holidays when negotiating contracts.
c) Negotiates contracts with the facility and presents proposals to the BOT for final approval
and the Board Chair’s signature.
d) Is responsible for all physical requirements including set-up, COVID-19 Compliant Entry
Signage, equipment needed, meeting room space, etc.
e) Distributes agenda with the “Notice of Participant Waiver” and all related documents
electronically no later than 2 weeks prior to the meeting. “The Notice of Participant Waiver
is located on page 3 following the Financial Responsibility section.” Also responsible for
implementing and distributing with the agenda the Policy for Minors Attending Al-Anon
Family Groups of Georgia Events, and all related documents electronically no later than 2
weeks prior to the meeting. The Policy for Minors is located on page 9 following the
Southeast Regional Trustee section.”
f) Has voice and vote.
g) Serves as AWSC Alternate Liaison to the Area Al-Anon/Alateen Convention and Alateen
h) Gives original motion forms to the Archivist for secure filing at the GACS office.
i) Ensures first aid supplies are adequate and easily located.
j) Knows where fire extinguishers are located.
8) Assembly
a) Secures meeting and hotel space for January, May and September Assemblies taking into
consideration impacts of major religious holidays when negotiating contracts.
b) Negotiates contracts with the facility and presents proposals to the BOT for final approval
and the Board Chair’s signature.
c) Is responsible for all physical requirements of the Assembly weekend including set-up,
COVID-19 Compliant Entry Signage, equipment needed, meeting room space, etc. d) Prepares and distributes agenda with the “Notice of Participant Waiver” and all related
documents electronically to AWSC members no later than 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
Makes some printed copies available. Motions for consideration at Assembly must contain
the exact language that was approved at AWSC. . “The Notice of Participant Waiver is
located on page 3 following the Financial Responsibility section.” Also responsible for
implementing and distributing with the agenda the Policy for Minors Attending Al-Anon
Family Groups of Georgia Events, and all related documents electronically no later than 2
weeks prior to the meeting. The Policy for Minors is located on page 9 following the
Southeast Regional Trustee section.”
e) Selects topics and members to chair workshops. Informs members who are invited to
serve of the reimbursement budgeted for expenses if their expenses aren’t reimbursed in
another service position.
f) Coordinates with the Alternate Delegate, who is responsible for registration and for the
speaker meeting on Saturday, and the Alateen Coordinator, who is responsible for all
Alateen activities at Assembly.
g) Seeks feedback from members by making input forms available. At the Chair’s discretion,
sends comments regarding the workshops to the members who chaired them.
h) Facilitates the discussion with AWSC and the Assembly with the intent of bringing
acceptable closure to the Area Inventory results by the end of the three-year term.
i) Gives original motion forms to the Archivist for secure filing at the GACS office.
j) Ensures first aid supplies are adequate and easily located.
k) Knows where fire extinguishers are located.
9) Has all Thought Force and Task Force reports uploaded to the Area Website after the reports
have been accepted by AWSC and/or Assembly.
10)If unable to attend an Area meeting, the Alternate Delegate assumes the responsibility of
11)At the discretion of the Area Chairperson, may appoint Thought/Task Forces, work groups and
committees for Assembly and AWSC purposes and for a limited time until their charge is
12)Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
13)Participates in conference calls and online meetings that may be necessary throughout the
14)Reviews and shares relevant information posted on the WSO Area Chair AFG Connects
15) Along with the Delegate, receives officer and coordinator service position descriptions from
the Area Archivist as needed for changes or annual review. Less significant changes will
automatically be made; however, at the discretion of the Chair and Delegate, substantial
changes to any service position description will be submitted for approval at AWSC meetings.
Also along with the World Service Delegate and Archive Coordinator, works with respective
trusted servants to revise Position Descriptions for the AAPP, Conference and Convention
Chairs, Alternate Delegate, Alateen Coordinator, Georgia A.A. Convention Liaison, and Board
Chair to reflect secure handling and retention of Alateen forms, waivers, Policy for Minors
Attending Al-Anon Family Groups of Georgia Events, and Georgia Code for Mandatory
16)Maintains records and supplies and passes them to the next Area Chair.
17)Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and attending
Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form and receipts
are submitted. Advises the Treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during the annual
18)Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.

19)Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Area Chairperson.

Area Secretary: Lauren M

1) Utilizes the current version of the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual sections on “Duties of
Assembly Members” and “AWSC”.
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Area’s AWSC and Assembly Policy and Procedure
Manuals. Gains a good working knowledge of the corporate bylaws, Assembly charter, and
the AFGG Board of Trustee Handbook.
4) Serves on the Board of Trustees (BOT) of Al-Anon Family Groups of Georgia, Inc. (AFGG).
5) Maintains an accurate list of all AWSC members for distribution purposes and roll call lists for
AWSC and Assembly meetings.
6) Duties During Area Meetings
a) Attends and takes minutes at Assemblies in January, May, and September and AWSC
meetings in November, April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election
to help plan the agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assemblies unless also serving
as a GR.
c) Calls roll at all AWSC and Assembly business meetings. If the secretary stands for office,
another member is appointed to record votes for the candidates.
d) Keeps count of the voting members.
e) Has the following documents available for access by all members: 1) approved minutes
and copies of signed motions of all AWSC and Area Assembly meetings for the current
panel; 2) the current Area 11 Al-Anon/Alateen Assembly Information and Archives Booklet;
and 3) the Policy and Procedure Manuals for Assembly and AWSC.

Area 11 Information and Archives Booklet, January 2022 21
f) If unable to attend, coordinates with the Area Chair to arrange for a replacement.
7) Duties Immediately Following Area Meetings
a) Chooses at least two Area Officers to proofread minutes prior to distribution.
b) Provides the two Area Officers with guidelines to proofread minutes for content. (See
Attachment A for guidelines).
c) Sends AWSC minutes and motions electronically to AWSC members. AWSC motions must
be sent within 7 days following AWSC so DRs can review with GRs and GRs can share
with the members of their group before the upcoming Assembly. Suggested time frame
for minutes is within 21 days following each AWSC meeting.
d) Sends Assembly minutes electronically to AWSC members. Suggested time frame is within
30 days following each Assembly meeting.
e) Sends the Area AWSC accepted/approved minutes to the Area Web Coordinator to be
posted on the Area Members’ page.
f) Sends the Area Assembly accepted/approved minutes to the Area Web Coordinator to be
posted on the Area Members’ page.
g) Makes any necessary corrections to AWSC and Assembly minutes in a timely manner and
distributes accepted/approved minutes electronically to all AWSC members within one
week of their approval. One accepted/approved copy of the minutes is kept with the
secretary’s records and stored in the GACS office. All minutes include a notation of the
date they were accepted/approved.
8) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
9) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
10) Maintains records and supplies and passes them to the next Area Secretary.
11) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during
the annual review.
12) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Area Secretary.

Area Treasurer: Katherine N

1) Utilizes the current version of the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual sections on “Duties of
Assembly Members”, “AWSC”, and relevant “Financial Matters” listed in the index, and WSO
Guideline G-41, Reserve Fund Guideline, and becomes familiar with those responsibilities.
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service, and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual. Serves on the Board of Trustees (BOT) of Al-Anon Family
Groups of Georgia, Inc. (AFGG).
3) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Area’s AWSC and Assembly Policy and Procedure
Manuals. Gains a good working knowledge of the corporate bylaws, Assembly charter, and
the AFGG Board of Trustee Handbook.
4) Serves as a pre-determined member of the Finance Committee to serve a 3-year term.
5) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May and September, and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assemblies unless also serving
in another capacity that permits voice and vote.
c) Presents an oral and written financial report at each Area meeting.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for another AWSC member to
give the report or sends it to the Area Chair.
6) Financial Duties
a) Works with Board Treasurer to ensure bank accounts are setup correctly for tax purposes
and signature authorities.
b) Works with Board Treasurer to ensure year-end tax reporting deadlines for the Area
Assembly financial reporting are met.
c) Acts as a backup for the Board Treasurer to ensure consistency of accounting
d) Prepares revenue projections based on actual historical receipts and makes a
recommendation to the Board Treasurer for review by the Finance Committee on the
annual revenue budget. Also, includes an estimate of funds remaining at the end of the
fiscal year that can be carried forward to the subsequent year.
e) Receives and compiles all annual expense budget requests for submission to the Board
Treasurer for review by the Finance Committee, including new interim budget requests
from the officers, coordinators, DRs, and members.
f) Pays all expenditures based on the approved annual amount budgeted for Area Assembly.

g) Verifies invoices and/or supporting documentation are received for all disbursements.
h) Before January 1st, forwards to the World Service Office the full expense amount up to the
budgeted amount for the Delegate to attend the World Service Conference.
i) At least once a year, prepares and places a special appeal letter in the Area newsletter to
all groups, asking for contributions.
j) Maintains updated records including, but not limited to, contact lists, materials received
from the WSO or other agencies, and procedures. Passes this information on to the next
k) Maintains all Area Assembly financial records during the term of office. At end of term,
turns over all financial records to new Archivist to file at the GACS office.
7) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
8) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
9) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed when an expense form and receipts are
submitted. Proposes adjustments to the Area Treasurer’s budget during annual review.
10) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
11) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Area Treasurer.

Georgia Al-Anon Central Services (GACS) Office Chairperson: Lavon C

1) Utilizes the current version of the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual sections on “Duties of
Assembly Members” and “AWSC”.
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.

3) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Area’s AWSC and Assembly Policy and Procedure
Manuals and Knowledge-Based Decision-Making (KBDM).
4) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May, and September and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings and voice only at Assemblies unless also as a GR.
c) Presents an oral report at each Assembly and AWSC meeting and gives an electronic or
written copy of the report to the Area Secretary. At the discretion of the GACS Office
Chairperson, the treasurer of the office may be permitted voice limited to GACS financial
reports, but no vote unless also serving in another capacity. Any related expenses will be
covered by the GACS office.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for a member of the GACS Office
Executive Committee or another AWSC member to give the report or sends it to the Area
5) GACS Executive Committee
The GACS Office Chair:
a) Serves as the Chairperson of the GACS Executive Committee. The GACS office treasurer,
secretary, and paid employee are pre-determined members. Any additional members are
invited based on specific need.
b) Schedules at least three meetings annually to review the business of the office and develop
action plans.
c) Prepares the annual budget and reviews the ample reserve with the assistance of
committee members.
6) GACS Office
a) Is responsible for managing and/or implementing the duties of volunteers and paid
employees and oversees timesheets. Serves as back-up for the paid employee or finds
someone to fill in if needed.
b) Ensures coordination of timely filing of all financial forms and tax reports by the GACS
office treasurer with the AFGG, Inc. Treasurer.
c) Maintains CAL inventory and office supplies.
d) Pays bills or coordinates payment of bills by GACS the treasurer.
e) Enters purchase orders in QuickBooks. Sends them to the WSO and verifies orders when
f) Conducts year-end inventory.
g) Responds to e-mails and phone calls requesting information about Al-Anon.

h) Prepares CAL consignment orders for the Al-Anon/Alateen Convention and the A.A. Pre-
paid Convention.

i) Prepares literature orders for pick-up by members at Assembly and AWSC meetings.
j) Ensures that orders are shipped within 3 days of receiving them.
k) Conducts regular building safety checks every six months addressing but not limited to
the following:
(1) Spills, wet or icy walking surfaces, handrails, and exterior guardrails
(2) Uneven or worn floors/carpets/steps/sidewalks
(3) Exit doors are not blocked
(4) Electrician circuits are not overloaded
(5) Inadequate or poorly maintained lighting
(6) Obstructed views
(7) Poor housekeeping – Excess clutter/trash in walkways or near open flames or hot
(8) First aid supplies are adequate and easily located
(9) Fire extinguishers are visible and tested regularly

7) Cooperation with Literature Coordinator
a) Prepares CAL consignment order for sale at Assembly. Confirms the count with the
Literature Coordinator before CAL is removed from the GACS office.
b) Before leaving the Assembly, coordinates with the Literature Coordinator returning the
money and CAL to the GACS office as soon as possible after Assembly. Confirms the
count and documents any discrepancies. If major discrepancies occur, coordinates with
the Literature Coordinator to implement changes to these procedures before the next
8) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
9) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
10) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during the annual review.
11) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
12) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next GACS Office Chairperson.

Close accordian

 Area Coordinators, Liaison, and Chairs

Panel 65


Click the postion to see a full position description

Alateen Coordinator: Kathy S

1) See the WSO Guideline G-24, Area Alateen Coordinators, and the Georgia AMIAS
Handbook to become familiar with those responsibilities.
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Is certified as an Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS).
4) Serves as a member of the Alateen Safety Committee.
5) Selects in cooperation with the Delegate, an Alternate Coordinator who can share the
responsibilities of this position, has access to pertinent information, and can act as backup
in the event of an absence or resignation. Only one individual can be reimbursed expenses
for any given AWSC or Assembly meeting, or expenses can be shared if the total does not
exceed budgeted amounts for this position.
6) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May and September and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assembly unless also serving
as a GR.
c) Presents an oral report at each Assembly and AWSC meeting and gives an electronic or
written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for another AWSC member to
give the report or sends it to the Area Delegate.
e) Is responsible for all Alateen activities at Assembly, coordinating as necessary with the
Area Chairperson. Is responsible for ensuring the Georgia Code for Mandated Reporters
is posted at all Alateen meetings and events.
f) Works with the Alternate Delegate and Alateen Registrar to ensure proper handling of
Georgia Alateen forms and sign-in sheets when the Alateens are hosting the Alateen
spaghetti dinner.
g) Serves as the AWSC liaison to the Alateen Conference.
7) Assists in the education of members about Alateen during and outside of Assembly
8) Training
a) Coordinates training for new AMIAS.
b) Coordinates training for current AMIAS on new policies and procedures.
c) Documents the date and completion of training of each AMIAS, working in cooperation
with District Alateen Coordinators if they conduct the training. Provides that information
to the AAPP Coordinator, who keeps it on file with AMIAS records.
d) Coordinates the AMIAS training session when offered at Assembly. Provides the sign-in
sheet to the AAPP for verification of attendance.
e) Updates the AMIAS training and Georgia Alateen/AMIAS Handbook with new policies and
9) *Chairs a work group whose purpose is to provide a service structure for Georgia Alateen
that allows it to grow and thrive while encouraging mutual support and increased unity within
our fellowship through the following goals:

a)Act as a clearing house to foster communication between AMIAS, the Groups, and the
b)Encourage Alateen inclusiveness, participation and service at Group, District, and Area
service levels
c) Establish new AMIAS training network as needed
d) Provide yearly informational and training updates to recertify AMIAS
e) Provide a support system for teens transitioning from Alateen to Al-Anon
10) Researches and becomes aware of current state and federal laws regarding the reporting of
suspected abuse and/or neglect as it relates to Alateen.
11) Attends at least one GA Alateen Conference during the 3-year term.
12) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
13) Reviews and shares relevant information posted on the Alateen Coordinator AFG Connects
14) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
15) Maintains an e-mail distribution list of District Alateen Coordinators, Alateen group sponsors,
and AMIAS.
16) Maintains updated records including, but not limited to, contact lists, materials received from
the WSO or other agencies, and procedures. Along with the Delegate, has access to the
AAPP’s current and historical electronic spreadsheets linking AMIAS with specific Alateen
group meetings. Passes this information on to the next coordinator.
17) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during
the annual review.
18) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
19) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Alateen Coordinator.

Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP): Tammy Y

1) See the WSO Guideline G-34, Alateen Safety Guidelines, and become familiar with those
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service, and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Is certified as an Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS).
4) Chairs the Alateen Safety Committee and calls meetings when necessary.
5) *Co-Chairs the Alateen Work Group.
6) Selects in cooperation with the Delegate, an Alternate Coordinator who can share the
responsibilities of this position, has access to pertinent information, and can act as backup in
the event of an absence or resignation. Only one individual can be reimbursed expenses for
any given AWSC or Assembly meeting, or expenses can be shared if the total does not
exceed budgeted amounts for this position.
7) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May and September, and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assembly meetings unless also
serving as a GR.
c) Presents an oral report at each Assembly and AWSC meeting and gives an electronic or
written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for another AWSC member to
give the report or sends it to the Area Delegate.
e) Receives the Alateen forms and sign-in sheets from the Alateen Registrar for compliance
review at the close of Area events.
8) Serves as the Area’s designated Alateen group records contact with the WSO Group Records
Department regarding Alateen/AMIAS information. Responds to requests from the WSO
Group Records Department whenever there are changes to information not routed through
the AAPP.
9) Collaborates with Area Alateen and Group Records Coordinators concerning distribution and
submission of Alateen forms and the WSO Group Records reports.
10) Certification/Recertification of AMIAS
a) Facilitates the annual recertification process for the Area with the WSO Group Records
b) Distributes information regarding the processes for certification and recertification to the
Area and responds to any related questions.
c) Certifies, to the best of his/her ability and as determined by the Area’s approved minimum
requirements, the eligibility of Al-Anon Members Involved In Alateen Service (AMIAS) to
serve in that capacity.
d) Develops and maintains relationship with third-party agency responsible for performance
of required background checks including, but not limited to, annual agreements, negotiated
costs, regular status reports, and any process or minimum requirements questions.

e) At the discretion of the Area Chairperson, conducts at least one workshop at Assembly
during the 3-year term on the AMIAS certification process.
11) Communicates with AMIAS regarding any change in their status, any related WSO
such as the WSO ID numbers, or any requests for updates to AMIAS information.
12) Maintains an AAPP Procedures Manual that includes Area/AFGG, Inc. Board of Trustee
(BOT) approved requirements on certification/recertification procedures, storage of Alateen
Group, Alateen event, AMIAS information, and materials received from the WSO or other
agencies. Passes this information on to the next coordinator.
13) Maintains current and relevant historical information as outlined in the AAPP Procedures
Manual for all Alateen groups, Alateen events, and AMIAS as well as processing any changes
or updates to related information. Shares access of current and historical electronic
spreadsheets linking AMIAS to specific Alateen group meetings with the Delegate and Alateen
14) Upon request of Area Chairperson or liaison of Area functions, provides a list of all current
AMIAS along with their WSO-issued ID number.
15) Receives function sign-in sheets and reviews them for compliance with the AFG of Georgia,
Inc. Minimum Requirements for AMIAS.
16) Is responsible for following procedures when an Alateen is ill or involved in an incident (see
detailed procedures in AMIAS Handbook).
17) Consults with AFGG BOT and an attorney as needed to ensure that Area AMIAS requirements
comply with Georgia law.
18) Is available to assist with District workshops on Alateen sponsorship and Alateen service,
either in person or by sending a training module.
19) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
20) Reviews and shares relevant information posted on the WSO AAPP AFG Connects website.
21) Responds to requests for information from Area members in a timely manner. Suggested
time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to acknowledge receipt promptly.
22) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during
the annual review.
23) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
24) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next AAPP.

Archive Coordinator: Alecia C

1) See the WSO Guideline G-30, Area Archives, and become familiar with those responsibilities.
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May, and September, and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assemblies unless also serving
as a GR.
c) Presents an oral report for each AWSC meeting and Assembly and gives an electronic or
written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for another AWSC member to
give the report or sends it to the Area Delegate.
e) At the discretion of the Area Chairperson, may lead at least one Assembly workshop during
the 3-year term.
f) Receives from the Alternate Delegate the sign-in sheets for officers, coordinators, liaisons,
past delegates and trustees, District Representatives, Districts, and visitors for records
g) Receives original motion forms from the Area Chairperson for secure filing at the GACS
4) In cooperation with the AWSC, provides an Area history, which includes Area guidelines and
a history of motions passed. Updates the Area Information and Archives Booklet to be
distributed by the January Assembly of each year.
5) Assists in the education of Al-Anon members in the rich history of Al-Anon Family Groups in
the Georgia Area.
6) Searches for information in the archives as requested.
7) Provides access to the archives as requested.
8) Requests and preserves archives from the Area, such as:
a) Group histories
b) District and group event fliers
c) Background information and reports from task and thought forces
d) Memorabilia, including Alateen quilts
e) Photographs of important events
f) Letters
g) Convention reports
h) Newsletters
i) Assembly and AWSC minutes, background information and associated reports
9) Continues to digitize the archives.

10) Reviews and shares relevant information posted on the WSO Area Archives AFG Connects
11) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
12) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
13) Maintains updated records including, but not limited to, contact lists, materials received from
the WSO or other agencies, and procedures. Passes this information on to the next
14) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the Treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted
during the annual review.
15) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
16) Annually requests service position description updates from each officer and coordinator.
Compiles all service position descriptions with highlighted changes by March 1st for review
by the Area Chairperson and Delegate. Less significant changes will automatically be
made; however, at their discretion, substantial changes to any service position description
will be submitted for approval at the August AWSC meeting. The Archivist will be
responsible for including changes to service position descriptions as a result of motions
passed during the panel. Along with the Area Chairperson and World Service Delegate
works with respective trusted servants to revise Position Descriptions for the AAPP,
Conference and Convention Chairs, Alternate Delegate, Alateen Coordinator, Georgia A.A.
Convention Liaison, and Board Chair to reflect secure handling and retention of Alateen
forms, waivers, Policy for Minors Attending Al-Anon Family Groups of Georgia Events, and
Georgia Code for Mandatory Reporters.
17) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Area Archivist.

Group Records Coordinator: Rebecca B

1) See the WSO Guideline G-36, Group Records Coordinator, and become familiar with those
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Selects in cooperation with the Delegate, an Alternate Coordinator who can share the
responsibilities of this position, has access to pertinent information, and can act as backup in
the event of an absence or resignation. Only one individual can be reimbursed expenses for
any given AWSC or Assembly meeting, or expenses can be shared if the total does not
exceed budgeted amounts for this position.
4) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May and September and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assemblies unless also serving
as a GR.
c) Presents an oral report at each AWSC meeting and Area Assembly and gives an electronic
or written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for another AWSC member to
give the report or sends it to the Area Delegate.
5) Group Records Updates and Distribution
a) Maintains a contact information list of AWSC members.
b) Edits existing Al-Anon group records information and administers new group registrations
in the WSO database.
c) Provides regular updates of Area group records changes (e.g. bounced emails, No Mail
status, etc.) to the AWSC members, requesting that DRs share them with their GRs for
accuracy. Suggested time frame is bi-monthly.
d) Distributes an updated electronic version of the Area Directory to all AWSC members at a
minimum of every 6 months and at the end of the term. Provides a proof copy of the Area
Directory to the Delegate for approval before distribution to members. Provides a paper
copy to any AWSC member requesting it.
e) Compiles and distributes a current list of group details from the WSO database to each DR
at least once per year.
f) Provides group records information to the Area Webmaster and MAIS Schedules Chair
when applicable or requested.
g) Provides Alternate Delegate with group records updates as well as a current list of GRs
and AWSC members.
h) Provides Treasurer with a current list of active and inactive groups.

6) Educates DRs and GRs on how to complete the GR-1 form for group changes.
7) Educates DRs on how to utilize the WSO database to extract information pertaining to their
8) Sends the following information to new groups:
a) welcome letter
b) WSO Guideline G-11, Group Representative
c) Area 11 Al-Anon/Alateen Assembly Information and Archives Booklet
9) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
10) Reviews and shares relevant information posted on the WSO Group Records AFG Connects
web site.
11) Maintains updated records including, but not limited to, contact lists, materials received from
the WSO or other agencies, and procedures. Passes this information on to the next
12) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
13) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during
annual review.
14) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
15) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Group Records Coordinator.

Literature Coordinator: Christina P

1) See the WSO Guideline G-6, Area Literature Coordinators, and become familiar with those

2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May, and September and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC. Has voice only at Assembly unless also serving as a GR.
c) Prepares to give an oral report at each Assembly and AWSC meeting and gives an
electronic or written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for another AWSC member to
give the report or sends it to the Area Delegate.
e) Staffs the literature room at Assembly and coordinates with the Georgia Al-Anon Central
Services (GACS) Chairperson, if needed, to sell Conference Approved Literature (CAL) at
i) Completes an order form for pick up of CAL on consignment from GACS prior to
Assembly weekend. Confirms the count with the GACS Chair before CAL is removed
from the GACS office.
ii) Physically transports literature or makes arrangements to have it moved to and from
iii) The Area Treasurer provides $100 cash for a change box, which is reimbursed to the
treasurer before the end of Assembly business on Sunday.
iv) Before leaving the Assembly, counts money and remaining inventory and coordinates
with the GACS Chair returning the money and CAL to the GACS office as soon as
possible after Assembly. The GACS Chair confirms the count and documents any
discrepancies. If major discrepancies occur, coordinates with the GACS Chair to
implement changes to these procedures before the next Assembly.
f) Maintains and updates a showcase of CAL for display at Assembly.
g) At the discretion of the Area Chair, hosts periodic writing workshops at Assembly.
4) Is available to assist with a writing or literature workshop in individual districts.
5) Encourages members to write articles for ongoing and new CAL projects.
6) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
7) Reviews and shares relevant information posted on the WSO Literature AFG Connects
8) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
9) Maintains updated records including, but not limited to, contact lists, materials received from
the WSO or other agencies, and procedures. Passes this information on to the next
10) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during
the annual review.
11) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
12) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Literature Coordinator.

Newsletter Editor: Teresa M

1) See the WSO Guideline G-21, Guidelines for Newsletter Editors, and become familiar with
those responsibilities.
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May, and September and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assemblies unless also serving
as a GR.
c) Presents an oral report for each Assembly and AWSC meeting and gives an electronic or
written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for another AWSC member to
give the report or sends it to the Area Delegate.
4) Georgia On Track newsletter
a) Publishes newsletter 3 times yearly. This includes collecting articles, editing, developing
and layout.
b) Invites the A.A. Delegate to contribute to the newsletter.
c) Includes reminder in calendar section about appropriate announcements.
d) Includes a link to a password-protected page on the Area website that displays Assembly
e) Notifies the officers, coordinators, DRs and committee chairs of the deadline for
submissions to the newsletter.
f) Deletes all last names from the body of the publication.
g) Reviews all potential postings for Traditional appropriateness.
h) Edits the sharings submitted so that they are grammatically correct.
i) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
j) Submits newsletter to Area Webmaster for posting on the Area web site by March 15th,
July 15th and November 15th of each year. Notifies AWSC members electronically when
the newsletter is posted to the Area web site and ready for viewing.
k) Sends newsletter electronically to Archivist, the WSO Archivist and SE Regional Trustee.

l) Swaps newsletters with editors in other Areas at his/her discretion. Provides paper copy
to any AWSC member requesting it.
m)Encourages members to read the newsletter.
5) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
6) Reviews and shares relevant information posted on the WSO Newsletter Editor AFG
Connects website.
7) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
8) Maintains updated records including, but not limited to, contact lists, materials received from
the WSO or other agencies, and procedures. Passes this information on to the next
9) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during
the annual review.
10) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Newsletter Editor.

Public Outreach Coordinator:

1) See the WSO Guidelines Outreach to Institutions (G-9), Outreach to the Public/Media (G-10),
Services in Correctional Facilities (G-14), Outreach to Professionals (G-29), and Area Public
Outreach Coordinator (G-38) and become familiar with those responsibilities.
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Is certified as an Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS).
4) Serves as the link of information between the WSO, Area, Public Outreach SupportCommittee, Districts, and Groups.
5) Coordinates educational workshops and presentations for the Area and community as
6) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May and September and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assembly unless also serving
as a GR.
c) Presents an oral report at each meeting and gives an electronic or written copy of the report
to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend a meeting, makes arrangements for another AWSC member to give the
report or sends it to the Area Delegate.
7) Data and Long-Term Information Responsibilities
a) Develops and maintains Area-wide databases to assist in Public Outreach efforts including,
but not limited to institutions, professionals, associations, community partners in the school
systems, court systems, detention centers, non-profits, children’s homes, treatment
centers, outreach program administrators, and state, county and private child welfare
b) Maintains a list of members who serve as Public Outreach liaisons within the Districts.
c) Develops a contact list of Area members who have community contacts, e.g., media,
professionals, etc.
d) Creates and maintains a library of Public Service Announcements (PSAs), videos/DVDs,
and other audio-visuals for Area use.
e) Facilitates the creation and implementation of annual Area-wide outreach projects with an
alternating focus on public information, cooperation with professionals, and institutions.
f) Distributes and maintains feedback forms on all outreach projects for what went well and
what could be done better.
g) Maintains duplicate records of pertinent information to pass on to the next Public Outreach
Coordinator and Area Archivist.
8) Public Outreach Support Committee
a) Coordinator selects, forms and chairs an Area Public Outreach Support Committee to
coordinate the Area’s vision and mission statements for Public Outreach.
b) There should be a minimum of two committee members, ideally from throughout the Area,
to serve a 3-year term. One member serves as the Alternate Chair.
c) Suggested criteria to be considered in selection of committee members:
i) Skill sets (this allows members with specific skills to be selected for long-term
projects such as internet interaction, Web sites, media, graphic design, etc.).
ii) Public outreach experience.
iii) An active member of Al-Anon Family Groups who lives within Area 11 and
continues to attend Al-Anon meetings.
iv) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of
Service and the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
d) The Delegate and Area Chair are not members of the Public Outreach Support Committee.
9) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
10) Reviews and shares relevant information posted on the WSO Public Outreach AFG Connects
11) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.

Area 11 Information and Archives Booklet, January 2022 38
12) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form
and receipts are submitted. Advises the treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during
annual review.
13) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
14) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the next Public Outreach Coordinator.

Technology Coordinator:

1) See the AFG of Georgia Thought Force (Th/F) Report “Leveraging Technology to
Share Assembly and AWSC Information” and AWSC Th/F Report “Consideration
of Having Hybrid/Virtual AWSC/Assembly Meetings” and become familiar with
scope and responsibilities described.
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service
and the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Selects, in cooperation with the Delegate, an Alternate Coordinator who can share
the responsibilities of this position, has access to pertinent information, and can
act as backup in the event of an absence or resignation. Only one individual can
be reimbursed expenses for any given AWSC or Assembly meeting, or expenses
can be shared if the total does not exceed budgeted amounts for this position.
4) Serves as a member of the Area Web Team Work Group.
Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May, and September and AWSC meetings in
November, April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election
to help plan the agenda for the next Area Assembly.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Area Assembly
meetings unless also serving as a GR.
c) Presents an oral report at each Area Assembly and AWSC meeting and gives
an electronic or written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for another AWSC
member to give the report or sends it to the Area Delegate.
Technology Work Group (TWG)
The Technology Coordinator chairs the TWG whose purpose is to set up and provide
continuous information technology service for the Area service structure through the
use of the following guidelines:
a) Work group consists of at least five “at large” members who have, at a
minimum, an average level of IT knowledge and experience and have been

attending Al-Anon meetings for at least two years and regularly attend Al-
Anon meetings. Additional members include: Area Web Coordinator,

Presentation Designer and Alternate Delegate.

b) At least one member is recommended to have higher than average IT

knowledge and experience.

c) The TWG functions as a group conscience for the Technology Coordinator to
ensure that recommendations and changes are congruent with Al-Anon’s
Legacies and Area policies.

d) The TWG is responsible for creating and updating training materials for use in

virtual/hybrid Area meetings.

e) The TWG receives access to Google Workspace by the Google Workspace

Administrator and/or Area Web Coordinator.

Virtual/Hybrid meetings
a) Identifies, implements, and manages current and future technology resources
which could be utilized for Area Assembly and AWSC Virtual/Hybrid

b) Ensures that any electronic meeting hosted by the Area for Area business is in

compliance with the WSO and Area guidelines.

c) Is familiar with the current Al-Anon Electronic Meeting Guideline (G-39) to assist

in the compliance with Virtual/Hybrid meeting formats.

d) Working with the Area Treasurer/Finance Committee, presents technology
recommendations to AWSC, along with estimated costs/budget.

e) Provides technical support to conduct virtual/hybrid Area meetings which could
include: purchase, storage, set up and break down of equipment, negotiating
contracts with vendors, and maintaining video conferencing account such as
Zoom or Webex.

f) Coordinates with Area Chair, Area Secretary and Alternate Delegate to capture

minutes, registrations and voting.

Document Retention
Recommends to the BOT, AWSC and the Area Assembly secure data retention options
(outside of the Area Website) to help with long term document retention related to Area
business, Area Assembly, AWSC and other entities within the Area structure. Provides
a means of releasing those documents on request.
Other Duties
a. Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary

throughout the year.

b. Maintains updated records including, but not limited to, contact lists,
materials received from the WSO or other agencies, and procedures.
Passes this information on to the next coordinator.

c. Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and
responds to inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10
days, preferably sooner. Tries to acknowledge receipt promptly.
d. Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling
duties and attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area
Treasurer when an expense form and receipts are submitted. Advises the
Treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during the annual review.

e. Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
f. Is willing to serve as the Technology Coordinator “Sage” on the TWG for the
first year of the next panel and service sponsor for the Technology
Coordinator the second and third years. Attendance at work group
meetings essential the first year and not so for second and third years as
a service sponsor.

Web Coordinator: Jenny C

1) See the WSO Guideline G-40, Guideline for Al-Anon Web Sites, and become familiar with
those responsibilities.
2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service and the
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
3) Selects in cooperation with the Delegate, an Alternate Coordinator who can share the
responsibilities of this position, has access to pertinent information, and can act as backup in
the event of an absence or resignation. Only one individual can be reimbursed expenses for
any given AWSC or Assembly meeting, or expenses can be shared if the total does not
exceed budgeted amounts for this position.
4) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May, and September and AWSC meetings in November,
April and August. Attends the first AWSC meeting following election to help plan the
agenda for the next Assembly.

Area 11 Information and Archives Booklet, January 2022 39
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assembly meetings unless also
serving as a GR.
c) Presents an oral report at each Assembly and AWSC meeting and gives an electronic or
written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for another AWSC member to
give the report or sends it to the Area Delegate.
4) Area Web Site
a) Ensures that it is in compliance with the WSO and Area guidelines.
b) Ensures that information is kept current.
c) Before posting, checks Area event fliers and other announcements for adherence to our
Three Legacies.
d) Posts the Area newsletter when it is received from the Newsletter Editor.
e) Posts Thought Force, Task Force and Work Group final reports after approved by
f) On a password-protected page, posts the Assembly minutes when they are received from
the Area Secretary.

g) Maintains the forwarding personal e-mail addresses for the Area trusted servant ga-al- e-mail addresses (e.g.,

h) Ensures that the hosting provider is paid on time by the Area Treasurer so that the site is
not taken down by the provider.
i) Ensures that the domain “” is maintained and that the domain registrar is
paid on time by the Area Treasurer so that the Area does not lose the domain.
j) Annually requests written permission from the WSO to display the Al-Anon Steps,
Traditions, and Concepts of Service on the site.
5) Chairs a five-member work group whose purpose is to set up and provide continuous
information technology service for the AFG of Georgia, Inc. service structure through the use
of the following guidelines:
a) Provide secure storage of and access to Assembly and AWSC business information.
b) Embrace and make effective use of changing technology so that not only will trusted
servants have the support they need, but members throughout the Area will be able to
access important information, e.g. download Assembly documents from the Area web site
if there is a break in the links of service.
c) Seek Trusted Servants at Large who have, at a minimum, an average level of IT knowledge
and experience. At least one of those members is recommended to have a marketing and
communications background. At least one member is recommended to have higher than
average IT knowledge and experience.
d) Serve as a group conscience for the Web Coordinator to ensure that recommendations
and changes are congruent with Al-Anon’s Legacies and AFG of Georgia, Inc. policies.
e) Members of the work group have been attending Al-Anon meetings for at least two years
and regularly attend Al-Anon meetings.
6) Participates in conference calls and on-line meetings that may be necessary throughout the
7) Reviews and shares relevant information posted on the WSO community web site for Web
Coordinators website.
8) Maintains updated records including, but not limited to, contact lists, materials received from
the WSO or other agencies, and procedures. Passes this information on to the next
9) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
10) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with fulfilling duties and
attending Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form and receipts are submitted. Advises the treasurer if the budget needs to be adjusted during
the annual review.
11) Submits articles for publication in each Area newsletter.
12) Is willing to serve as the Web Coordinator “Sage” on the work group for the first year of the next panel and service sponsor for the Area Web Coordinator the second and third years.
Attendance at work group meetings essential the first year and not so for second and third
years as a service sponsor.

Alateen Conference Chair:

The Georgia Alateen Conference is a separate event from the Area Assembly. The
following outlines the relationship between the Conference and Assembly:
The Alateen Conference Chairperson is a member of the AWSC with voice and vote.
The planning of the next year’s conference begins immediately following the close of the current
one. Meetings are scheduled throughout the year at the discretion of the Conference
Chairperson. The task of planning an Alateen Conference also requires a lot of time, hard work, patience, and a close working relationship with the AFGG Board of Trustees, the Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP), and the Alateen Coordinator in making sure current laws and guidelines are closely followed in relation to minors.
A new co-chairperson for the Conference is elected at each May Assembly meeting from
members that are currently certified AMIAS (Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service) or are willing to become certified before the Conference starts. This co-chair serves on the
Alateen Conference Committee that year and then becomes the chairperson the following
year. The past chairperson remains on the next year’s conference committee to provide
experience, strength and hope.
The Alateen Conference is usually held around the last weekend of May or the first weekend of
June. The Alateen Coordinator serves as the AWSC liaison to the Alateen Conference. The
Area Chairperson serves as the alternate AWSC liaison to the Alateen Conference.

Al-Anon/Alateen Convention Chair: Debbie B

An Area convention is an occasion for Al-Anon and Alateen members to gather for fun and
fellowship, to celebrate their beginnings, enhance their understanding of the program, and to find ways to attract new members. (WSO Guideline G-20). This service role provides
opportunities for spiritual growth unlike any other in Al-Anon and to create lasting memories with fellow members living in your zone who are also eager to grow in service.
1) For this two-year commitment, the Chair:
a) plans committee meetings and chairs the convention; and
b) is willing to serve as a service sponsor to the Chair who is preparing for the next
convention, which includes serving on the convention committee.
2) Gives a convention committee report at four AWSC and Assembly meetings. Is reimbursed
by the current Convention Treasurer for attending these meetings when an expense form and receipts are submitted.
3) Sends articles about the convention to be published in the November, March and July issues of the Area newsletter, Georgia on Track.
4) Chairs all committee meetings where members can report progress and discuss next steps. While serving as Co-Chair the previous year, committee members will already have been asked to serve at this year’s convention. Duties:

a) Ensures that each committee member has access to the Convention Google Drive
folders, which include information about past conventions, current position descriptions,
budgets, and Suggestions and Guidelines for All Jobs.
b) Schedules and chairs committee meetings on a regular basis. Distributes an agenda and
all related documents electronically at least 4 days in advance.
c) Reviews position descriptions throughout the year to stay aware of tasks and who is
responsible for doing them. The Co-Chair can assist in assuring that tasks are
d) Works closely with the Registration Chair and Alateen Sponsor to ensure that the legal
and safety aspects of Alateen participation are met, specifically that all necessary forms
and waivers are completed and sent to our AAPP for secure storage after the
e) Reviews the budget that was established the previous year while serving as Co-Chair.
f) Downloads relevant committee information on the Convention Google Drive folder for
access by committee members and to serve as archives for subsequent committee
g) Is accessible to committee members via phone or e-mail and promptly responds to
inquiries in a timely manner.
h) Coordinates with the Facilities Chair to arrange for a site visit planning meeting within a few months of the convention.
i) Ensures our “Policy for Minors Attending AFGG Events” is included on Convention
registration forms.
5) During the current convention:
a) Opens the convention, welcomes members and turns it over to the Co-Chair/Voice.
b) Makes sure that the committee members have everything they need to help their jobs run
c) Fills the duties of a committee member who at the last minute can’t be present if another
member or the Past Chair isn’t able to do so.
d) Makes closing remarks and ‘officially’ turns the convention over to the next Chair.
e) Ensures the Alateen Program Chair posts the Georgia Code for Mandated Reporters in
Alateen meeting rooms.
6) After the convention:
a) Works closely with the Convention Treasurer to ensure all expenses are paid. Upon
input from the Finance Committee, the Convention Committee determines how excess
funds will be distributed to the next convention, Area and the WSO.
b) Writes up a summary of convention experience for the next Chair to be stored in Google Drive folders and shared with the Area Archivist to be filed in the Area archives.
c) Schedules a final wrap-up committee meeting after the convention and before giving a final report. [Note: we don’t know how working with the Board Treasurer is going to affect
this timeline.]
d) Gives a report at the August AWSC and a final report at the September Assembly
meetings. The Chair for the next convention could give the final financial report in
January if necessary.
7) As Past Chair, participates in committee meetings for planning the next convention.
8) At the discretion of the Delegate and Convention Chair, substantial changes to the position description will be submitted for approval at the August AWSC meeting; less significant changes to the position description will automatically be made.
9) The committee elects another member willing to serve as an Alternate Chair who serves temporarily as the Chair if the position becomes vacant. The Chair will inform the Area Chair that the position is vacant so that an election can be scheduled for the next Area Assembly.

Georgia A.A. Convention Liaison: Luke M

1) See the WSO Guidelines G-3, Cooperation between Al-Anon and A.A., and, G-7, Al-
Anon/Alateen Participation in an A.A. Convention, to become familiar with these


2) Has knowledge of, and experience using, Al-Anon Traditions, Concepts of Service and the Al-
Anon/Alateen Service Manual.

3) Filling of this position is coordinated through the Georgia Al-Anon Alternate Delegate. This is
a two-year commitment that starts in January of the year prior to the A.A. Convention and runs through the November AWSC meeting following the A.A. Convention. A final summary report is to be presented at this November AWSC meeting.
4) Area Meetings
a) Attends Assemblies in January, May and September and AWSC meetings in April, August,
and November for the calendar year of their A.A. Convention.
b) Has voice and vote at AWSC meetings. Has voice only at Assembly unless also serving
as a GR.
c) Presents an oral report at each Assembly and AWSC meeting and gives an electronic or
written copy of the report to the Area Secretary.
d) If unable to attend an Area meeting, makes arrangements for the Alternate Delegate to
give the report, or sends it to the Area Delegate.
5) Liaison Responsibilities
a) Attend A.A. Convention planning meetings.

b) Bring to the A.A. Convention planning committee information and updates relating to Al-Anon.

c) Ask the A.A. Convention planning committee if they would like to invite the Al-Anon
Delegate to attend the convention. If the Delegate is invited, ask what expenses would be
paid by the convention, and then extend the invitation to the Al-Anon Delegate, if a member
of the A.A. committee doesn’t do so directly. Form an Al-Anon committee following
suggestions found in WSO Guideline G-7. The A.A. Convention Liaison is the Chairperson
for this committee.
d) Ask A.A. committee if the Al-Anon committee can select the Al-Anon speaker. There are many speaker recordings on-line to help in selecting a speaker. Check Al-Anon speakers at recent past A.A. and Al-Anon conventions to avoid selecting someone that has recently spoken in Georgia. Ask what expenses would be paid by the convention for the speaker.
e) Ask the A.A. Convention committee if they would like an Alateen speaker. If they do,
communicate / coordinate with Georgia Area Alateen Coordinator and select an Alateen
speaker. Ask what expenses would be paid by the convention for the speaker.
f) Decide if the Al-Anon committee wants to have Al-Anon discussion meetings or workshops. If so, ask the A.A. committee for approval and room availability, and provide Al-Anon leaders.
g) Decide if the Al-Anon committee wants to have an Al-Anon hospitality room. If so, ask the

A.A. committee for room availability and hotel restrictions, and if approved, set up a sub-
committee of volunteers to staff the room and to provide food, drinks, and paper products.

h) Decide if any fundraisers are needed to help support hospitality or other Al-Anon functions
or expenses for the convention.
i) Decide if there will be Al-Anon literature on display and for sale. If so, ask the A.A.
committee for a site and tables if approved.
j) Select members to host the Al-Anon or Alateen speakers. Give each host the speaker’s
contact information and encourage them to communicate in advance. Arrange
transportation for the speakers to and from the airport if they are not driving and provide
their transportation to the hotel and meeting events. Answer any questions they may have
and share some meals with them so they aren’t alone. Expenses associated with hosting
are not reimbursed by A.A. or the Al-Anon Area but can be financed through fundraisers.
k) If Alateen events or meetings are planned, work with the A.A. committee to set up a
separate registration desk for Al-Anon / Alateen members and have volunteers to staff the
table. Suggest to the A.A. committee that the registration form consider adding the
following statement: “Any Alateen Member who is not accompanied by a parent / legal
guardian must present the current required Georgia Alateen forms at registration.” The
forms can be found at under Alateen, Alateen Forms.” Contact the
Georgia Al-Anon Alternate Delegate or Alateen Coordinator to receive instructions on
having an Alateen Registrar to fulfill Area Safety Requirements.

l) Prepare a brief final written report summarizing activities, outlining what worked well, and
providing input on what could have been done better. Written report to be included in next
AWSC November meeting minutes following the convention, and copies sent to the
incoming Liaison, and Area Archivist for filing.
6) Is accessible to members between Area meetings via phone or e-mail and responds to
inquiries in a timely manner. Suggested time frame of 10 days, preferably sooner. Tries to
acknowledge receipt promptly.
7) Has an approved budget for necessary expenses associated with attending Al-Anon Area meetings that are reimbursed by the Area Treasurer when an expense form and receipts are submitted. Expenses associated with attending A.A. convention planning meetings or
convention events are not reimbursed by A.A. or the Al-Anon Area but can be financed through fundraisers.
8) Submits articles for publication in Area newsletter.
9) Is willing to be a service sponsor for the incoming AA Convention Liaison.

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